Do the Small Things

It started out as a phrase that came to me while thinking about printing on both sides of the printer paper. Turn a six page document into three just by clicking “double-sided?” Of course!  It has since become a mantra for all of those small things we can do in an instant, but often overlook. Or we get lazy, or forgetful. We get used to the comforts of convenience. If everyone did their part and did these small things, it would add up in a huge way.

Use what you need, not what you can.

︎ 18”x 24” screenprint available in the Printshop

Small (simple, yet BIG) things you can do
Walk, bike, use refillable non-plastic bottles (know that some people have to walk miles to access water while you turn a lever), reusable grocery bags, don’t print that email, print two-sided if you have to, buy in bulk, sing one song in the shower instead of the full album, play some air guitar after washing your hands to let them air dry, turn the temp down while you are away, wrap presents in newspaper, line dry your clothes, smile more. Use less, be resourceful.

All content ©️ 2023 Cody Bartz